Month: February 2020

Why I had a little cry in the toilets when Weinstein was found guilty

Let me make one thing clear; I have never been sexually abused or assaulted, I have not been raped, I have not found myself on The Couch. Let me make one more thing clear; I am incredibly aware of the disclaimer of those statements being ‘yet’.

This is why, moments after reading the first article published on the jury in New York finding Harvey Weinstein guilty, I welled up with tears and had to retreat to the bathroom for a minute. I’m not being dramatic. I’m not being overly empathetic. My tears were not sadness, nor empathy, nor joy. They were entirely of relief.

Why? Because, finally.

Not finally that Weinstein, a secretly known monster, an abuser of power, a whatever you want to call him is charged. He himself has been dead to me since the beginning of #metoo. Relief because finally, in a high profile way, against all the odds, power and money, a jury finally listened to a rape victim. We finally prosecuted a rich, white, powerful man of all that he has done.

Yes, I know there have been others, especially recently, but in the years since Ronan Farrow and all the other journalists broke this story back in 2017 Weinstein has been the symbol of the abuser who gets away with it. And today, he has finally been taken down. The police, the investigators, the jury, the judge, all believed the victim and acted on it. Finally.

I am a woman who, like pretty much every other woman I know of, is perpetually aware of the ‘yet’. I am a woman who is also incredibly aware of the stats against us when that ‘yet’ becomes the reality. Would I be believed? What’s he best way/situation/reaction/thing I could do to ensure that maybe someone would believe me if and when that happened? Who of those I love would believe me? Would that person still walk free? Today, the symbol of that fear – the man who had every odd stacked in his favour – toppled. Today I cried because this could be the beginning of the end of injustice when it comes to sexual violence and abuse. Today, we finally took a leap in the right direction.

You have made hope. Thank you.

Last Minute Business Jem

Usually I ask for opinions and stories. This time I won’t. If you want to share you feelings please do, but please keep them driven by love and kindness. Thank you.