Tag: General

Back to Business

I’ve got the bug to write again.

After spending altogether too long staring at the ‘u’ in Business whilst writing the title of this article, as the night comes to a close and my brain starts to shut down starting with the ability to spell, I’m back.

To be honest, the bug bite of writing never stopped itching. But occasionally some of us can feel like we don’t have anything to say, and so don’t say anything at all (how deep that dig at social media culture goes is entirely up to you). I’ve made my excuses, I’ve put my arbitrary rules in place, and I’ve stopped myself. But the itch is too much now. So, just like the moment you give in as the night cools on a sweaty, humid Summer day, I’m going to start scratching.

Damn it feels good.

This blog has always been about what connects us. It’s always been about revelation and humanitarian joy. It’s always been searching for something deeper. I like that. But I do do that a lot. I have a podcast, a show, all the other articles on this blog… I am the brand of ‘searching for something deeper’. Sometimes it’s tiring. Yes, even I roll my eyes at me sometimes. So I want to strip this ship back to the title: ‘Last Minute Business; you, me, that guy over there, we’re all connected… but not in that way.’

This was always meant to be a place for me to write, to share thoughts and ideas, all last minute, mostly to connect (it did start in my 6ft by 3ft first year university dorm room with prison inspired decor), and my first attempt at comedy… which was mostly just me giggling at my own stupid thought that was so close to a pun (I still can’t pun btw. Soz.). As I’ve gotten older I’ve realised how much the other things – gifs, memes, pop culture, cat videos – also connect us. These are also things I want to rant on about, and they connect us all… or I’m just making some eye-roll inducing, tenuous link back to what this blog used to be. Either way, I’m back to Last Minute Business, writing truly last minute, about a wider range of things that interest and excite me. I hope you enjoy the ride, and if not, try out the guy who inspired me into this again. He’s far better at it than me… for now.

Stay awesome,

Last Minute Business Jem

Seriously though, it’s spelt with a ‘U’ right?!

Statement of Admittance

Okay. So I think we have established I am not good at this regular blogging thing. The last few weeks have been busy and I’ve had some half thought through ideas that I didn’t feel were worth your reading or my writing, and, I’ll be honest, I’ve been at a loss.

But, like all good stories, there is a ‘but’.

The last few days have been incredibly inspiring and I have come to a new resolution. Although I said I would post at least once if not twice a week, I have decided to post as many or as few posts as I can whenever the wind takes me. Hopefully this will let off some of the pressure and reduce the number of half-finished posts in my draft box, as well as making me post more often. Kinda like reverse psychology, but don’t tell me that!

I do promise, however, to keep this blog up to date and present, even if there are one line posts that #shouldbetwitterposts.

So, on that tag, here is a picture of me as a panda.
